Making Literacy Happen

Want to put books into the hands of people who haven't had access to books or need to learn to read? Can you imagine never having read a book?

Rainbow of Books

Want to put books into the hands of people who…

  1. Haven’t had access to books
  2. Need to learn to read

If you’re interested, look to Tim Ferriss’ generous birthday offer to match your donation if we meet $20,000 in fund raising goals for the great organization Room to Read. They can build and stock a library with $20,000 and that means two libraries will be created through this one pledging drive. And as if you need more incentive, Tim’s offering to give away a trip around the world for those that super-promote his offer. But really, we’d donate even without any contest because this is definitely worth doing!

As Tim writes, “On a personal level: can you imagine never having read a book? Never being able to satisfy your intellectual curiosity? That’s unacceptable.”


Let’s make this happen!

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